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The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Henan University is looking for outstanding talents

Source:   Author:  Date:2019-12-12  ClickTimes:

Introduction of the College

The School of Mathematics and Statistics of Henan University founded in 1923 is one of the oldest departments of Henan University which is not only in the list of Double First-class  university but also renowned for more than hundred years. It is also an advanced community of Henan education system.

Currently, the school has 2 first-class discipline post-doctoral research bases in Mathematics and Statistics. It owns the authorizations to Ph.D. and master's degrees in Mathematics and Statistics and to master degrees in Subject Teaching (mathematics) and Applied Statistics. There are four majors, including Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Information and Computing Science, Statistics, and Financial Mathematics. Among them, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics is the pilot for comprehensive reforms in Henan Province, and Information and Computing Science is a distinctive major throughout Henan Province.

The school is well-known both domestically and abroad for its rich foundation, numerous talents and outstanding achievements in education and teaching. Famous mathematicians such as Jingyu Huang, Zuojun Chen, Yingchuan Fan, Dunci  Huang, Mengmo Du and Yaxing Liu have taught here. The School of Mathematics and Statistics has 103 faculties. Among them there are 20 professors and 42 associate professors; 1 provincial well-known chair professor; 6 pioneers of academic technique awarded by the Education Department of Henan; 13 provincial young-core teachers; 6 Henan Outstanding Youth Fund winners; 9 Henan Teaching Model title winners. In general, a high-level teaching staff with noble morality, remarkable professional capacity, reasonable structure, and vitality has been formed. In the new journey of the university's Double First-class status, the college adheres to the philosophy of pioneering and enterprising, recruiting talents from all over the world.


For the position, the applicant should love education, obey the law, be healthy in body and mind, have good moral character, study diligently, be full of innovative spirit, be good at cooperation, have the spirit of dedication, hold a Ph.D. degree in mathematics or statistics. The academic and teaching levels of the applicants should be approved by the Academic Committee and the Teaching Committee of the School.

 Major Category  Position  Conditions for application and salary





Outstanding talents  http://news.henu.edu.cn/info/1009/100360.htm
Yellow River scholar   http://rsc.henu.edu.cn/info/1041/1745.htm
 Young talents  http://rsc.henu.edu.cn/info/1041/1723.htm
 Teaching, research-oriented


 http://news.henu.edu.cn/info/1009/110036.htm   (phd,under35years old)
postdoc Discipline  postdoc http://rsc.henu.edu.cn/info/1007/1374.htm
Teaching postdoc http://rsc.henu.edu.cn/info/1007/1375.htm

Required documents and application:

The applicants should submit the following documents by e-mail: detailed curriculum vitae, research overview and future research  plan; officially published academic papers (PDF) and award certificates etc. 3 or more letters of recommendation from tutors or peer experts (the signed letter from the referees shall be sent electronically directly to the email address given below). The College Recruitment Committee will conduct qualification checks and select candidates for interviews.


Mr. Han,Tel.: (+86) 151 3781 7269

E-Mail: hanxiaosen@henu.edu.cn

Website: http://maths.henu.edu.cn/

We are looking forward to seeing you here in Henan.