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Zhihao Ge

Name:Zhihao Ge



Email:zhihaoge@henu.edu.cn; zhihaoge@gmail.com

Research fields:Numerical methods for PDEs and Its Applications

Basic Information:

Zhihao Ge, Professor, Master Tutor, Mathematical Reviews; The Doctor Graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Supervisor is Prof. Yinnian He.

Educational and work experiences:

2019.01------, Henan University, Professor;

2011.10--2018.12,Henan University, Associate Professor;

2008.12--2011.09,Henan University, Lecturer;

2015.03--2016.03,Penn State University,Visiting Scholar;

2010.0--2011.06, Peking University,Visiting Scholar;

2007.09—2008.09,University of Wisconsin-Madison,Visiting Scholar;

2008.12,Ph.D. Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Research fields:

Numerical analysis and computation of PDE: Navier-Stokes equations, Reaction-Diffusion equations, Poroelasticity model and its applications.

Dynamic system: Mathematics biology, bifurcation and stability theory.

Selected Publications:

[1]Xiaobing Feng,Zhihao Ge, Yukun Li. Analysis of a multiphysics finite element method for a poroelasticity model.IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2018, 38: 330-359.

[2]Zhihao Ge, Mengxia Ma. Multirate iterative scheme based on multiphysics discontinuous Galerkin method for a poroelasticity model.Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2018, 128: 125-138.

[3]Zhihao Ge, Yanan He, Tingting Li. Stabilized multiphysics finite element method with Crank-Nicolson scheme for a poroelasticity model.Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2019, 35: 1412-1428.

[4]Zhihao Ge, Jingjing Yan. Analysis of multiscale finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2012, 13: 385-394.

[5]Zhihao Ge, Yinnian He. Diffusion effect and stability analysis of a predator-prey system described by a delayed reaction diffusion equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008, 339(2): 1432-1450.


1.Project leader of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No:11971150),2019/01-2022/12;

2.Project leader of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No:10901047),2010/01-2012/12;

3.Project leader of the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province (No:162300410031),2017/01-2018/12;

Teaching Activity:

Computational Methods; Advanced Numerical Analysis; Numerical Methods for PDE; Mathematical Modeling.

Professional affiliations:

Member a council of Chinese Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Reviews,Member of China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


2017,Henan Science and Technology Achievement Award,Second prize;

2016,Henan Excellent Science and Technology Paper Award,First prize.


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