Name:Yongsheng CHENG
Office:Attached to first floor of School of Mathematics and Statistics
Research Field:Lie algebra
2005.09-2008.06,Ph.D.,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Basic Mathematics
2002.09-2005.07,Master, Henan University,Basic Mathematics
1992.09-1996.07,Bachelor,Henan University,Mathematics Education
2021.05-, Henan University,Professor
2019.08-2020.02,University of Sydney, Australia, Visiting scholar
2013.01-2014.01, York University, Canada, Visiting scholar
2011.05-2021.05, Henan University, Associate professor
2009.09-2011.08, University of Science and Technology of China, Postdoc
2003.05-2011.05, Henan University, Lecturer
1996,07-2003.05, Henan University, Assistant professor
Selected publications:
[1]. Cheng Yongsheng, Su Yucai, Generalized Verma modules over some Block algebras. Front Math. China 3(1) (2008), 37-47.
[2]. Cheng Yongsheng, Shi Yiqian, Lie bialgebra structures on the q-analog Virasoro-like algebras, Comm. Algebra, 37(2009), 1264-1274.
[3]. Cheng Yongsheng, Su Yucai, (Co)Homology and Universal Central Extension of Hom-Leibniz AlgebrasActa Math. Sinica, 27(5) (2011), 813-830.
[4]. Cheng Yongsheng, Su Yucai, Quantum deformations of Heisenberg-Virasoro algebra, Alg. Colloq., 20(2) (2013), 299-308.
[5]. Cai Yan-An, Cheng YongSheng, Shen Ran, Quasi-Whittaker modules for Schrodinger algebra, Linear Alg. Appl., 463 (2014), 16-32.
[6]. Zhang Xiufu, Cheng Yongsheng, Simple Schrodinger modules which are locally finite over the positive part, J. Pure Appl. Alg., 219(2015), 2799-2815.
[7]. Li Juan, Chen Liangyun, Cheng Yongsheng, Representation of Bihom-Lie superal-algebras, Linear Multilinear Alg., 67 (2) (2019), 299-326.
[8] Cheng Yongsheng, Zhang Xinyu, Pei Ming, Linear algebra-content, thought and method (Book), Henan Science and Technology Press, 2009.09
Research Funding:
1. Symmetry in theoretical physics ,National Natural Science Foundation of China(11047030),2011/01-2013/12,RMB150,000,completed,PI;
2. Some problems on infinite dimensional Lie algebras with non-finite graded subspace(2010B110003)Natural science project of Henan Provincial Department of Education, 2010/01-2012/12, completed,PI;
3. The representation of infinite dimensional Lie algebras and application(152300410061),
Basic and frontier project of science and Technology Department of Henan Province, 2015/09-2018/05,RMB 50,000,completed,PI;
4. Quantization and deformation of non-finite graded Lie (super) Algebras and some related questions(20090450810), General support from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2009/03—2010/09. RMB 30,000,completed,PI;
5. Lie (super) bialgebras and quantization associated with Virasoro algebras and their deformation theory(20093402110044),2010/01—2012,RMB 60,000,completed,Second member;
6. Prime number theory and Diophantine approximation(11071070),General fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China,2011/01-2013/12, RMB 300,000,completed,sixth member;
7. Structure and classification of modular Lie superalgebras and related Algebras(11171055),General fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China,2012/01-2015/12, RMB 500,000,completed,fourth member;
8. Representations of Weyl type algebras and their applications in Lie algebras and quantum group representations(11771122),General fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China,2018/01-2021/12, RMB 500,000,completed,Second member;
Undergraduate students: Advanced algebra, Abstract algebra, Advanced mathematics, Linear algebra
Graduate students: Basic algebra, Lie algebra
Academic Service: AMS Math Reviewer
1. 2012.07, the second youth algebra forum held by the University of science and technology of China: (Co)homology of Hom Leibniz algebra;
2. 2014.08, Mathematical Physics Conference held by Jilin University: Representation of Hom-quasi-hopf algebra;
3. 2015.07, The 15th National Lie algebra Conference held by Xinyang normal University:Simple modules over quantum torus and its Lie algebras.
Honor and awards
1. 2013, Excellent teaching achievements of Henan University,second award,host;
2. 2017, Teaching quality award of Henan University, Grand Prize;
3. Science and technology paper award of the Department of Education of Henan Province, First prize;
4. 2017, Civilized teaching staff of Henan University;
5. 2018, Excellent practice instructor of Henan University;
6. 2018, Science and technology achievement award of Department of Education of Henan Province; Second award, independent completion;
7. 2019, 2017-2019 Teaching Excellence Award of Henan University;
8. 2021, Excellent graduation thesis instructor of Henan University.