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Huaping Chen

NameHuaping Chen




Research FieldTime series analysis; Parametric statistics; Nonparametric statistics


2014.09-2019.12, Ph.D. Jilin University

2010.09-2014.06, Bachelor of Science, Beihua University


2020.01-,  Henan University, Lecturer

Selected publications

[1]Huaping Chen, Qi Li & Fukang Zhu (2020). Two classes of dynamic binomial integer-valued ARCH models. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 34(4), 685-711.

[2]Huaping Chen, Qi Li & Fukang Zhu (2021). Binomial AR(1) processes with innovational outliers. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 50(2), 4460-472.

[3]Li Qi, Chen Huaping & Zhu Fukang (2021).Robust estimation for Poisson integer-valued GARCH models using a new hybrid Loss. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, doi:10.1007/s11424-020-9344-0

[4]Huaping Chen, Qi Li & Fukang Zhu (2021). A new class of integer-valued GARCH models for time series of bounded counts with extra-binomial variation. AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis (forthcoming).


Time series analysis and application, nonparametric statistics


1. 2016.10.22-23, Attending Guangdong Statistics graduate forum, Guangdong Statistics graduate forum and making a report;

2. 2018.10.25-28, Attending the 11th National Congress of Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics and making a report;

3. 2018.11.24, Attending the 4th National University Postgraduate Statistics Forum and making a report;;

4. 2019.7.22-23, Attending the Academic Seminar on Frontiers of Statistics and Postdoctoral Forumand making a report;;

5. 2019.10.25-26, International Young Scholars (Post-doctoral) Forum (Henan University) and making a report;.


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