Name:Zhao Jun
Research Field:Lie algebra
2014.09-2020.06, Ph.D., Northeast Normal University, major in Basic Mathematics
2010.09-2014.06, Bachelor of Science, Northeast Normal University, major in Mathematics andApplied Mathematics
2020.07-, Henan University, Lecturer
Selected publications:
[1] Zhao Jun, Chen Liangyun, Yuan Lamei. Conformal biderivations of Loop W(a,b) Lie conformalalgebra. Front Math China (2021), accepted.
[2] Zhao Jun, Chen Liangyun, Yuan Lamei. Extending structures of Lie conformal superalgebras.Comm Algebra 47 (2019), 1541-1555.
[3] Zhao Jun, Yuan Lamei, Chen Liangyun. Deformations and generalized derivations of Hom-Lie conformal algebras. Sci China Math 61 (2018), 797-812.
[4] Zhao Jun, Chen Liangyun, Yuan Lamei. Deformations and generalized derivations of Lieconformal superalgebras. J Math Phys 58 (2017), 111702(17 pp).
Research Funding:
1. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2020M682272), 2020.11-2022.11, PI
2. Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province(212300410120), 2021.01-2022.12, PI
Linear algebra, Lie algebra