Speaker:Aibin Zang
In this talk, based on the global existence of Euler-Voight equations. I will show the Kato's type theorems for the convergenc of Euler-Voigt equations to Euler equations. I will discuss on the Prandtl type equations then prove the local existence and uniqueness of the Prandtl type equations in analyze setting.
Venue:Lecture Hall, 1st Floor, School of Mathematics and Statistics
Speaker Introduction:
Aibin Zang is a professor of Yichun University. He mainly studies the partial differential equations arising from hydrodynamics. In 2012, he solved the open problem about Navier boundary viscosity vanishing limit. He has presided 2 NSFC projects and published some papers in the in journal such as JMFM, Phys. D, Nonlinearity, JDE, etc.